
Showing posts from December 6, 2019

Liked on YouTube: Allah Ki Mohabbat Mein Bala Aur Musibat Kiyon? || By Younus AlGohar

Allah Ki Mohabbat Mein Bala Aur Musibat Kiyon? || By Younus AlGohar His Holiness Younus AlGohar discusses why trouble and calamity are attached with God’s love in light of what Lord Ra Riaz has revealed about God’s nature. He also talks about Lord Ra Riaz’s distinctive approach to people exclusively seeking His love. Main points: - The path to God’s love is difficult; once you obtain God’s love, it’s even harder to maintain it. Someone said to Prophet Mohammad, ,’I want to love God.’ Prophet Mohammad replied, ‘Then embrace calamity and trouble, for these two things are attached with God’s love.’ - Abdul Qadir Jilani and Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi explained what this meant. Abdul Qadir Jilani’s explanation shows how close he is to God; Lord Ra Riaz’s explanation shows how much He knows God. Abdul Qadir Jilani’s explanation is incomplete; he lays all the emphasis on the seeker and God is not discussed. In Lord Ra Riaz’s explanation, the seeker is not discussed, but God is. - Abdul Qadir

Liked on YouTube: Kisi Kalam Mein Noor Kab Aata Hai | By Younus AlGohar

Kisi Kalam Mein Noor Kab Aata Hai | By Younus AlGohar Sayedi Younus AlGohar responds to a viewer's question: When does Divine Light enter the words of someone? Main Points: - The function of the brain is to store memory. The mind, subconscious mind and the unconscious mind store memory in the brain. It does not have the ability to think. The subtlety through which we think is in our brain and it is called the Subtlety of Ana. - Until the Subtlety of Ana is under the influence of the Devil, it will have evil layers on it thus your thoughts are impure. When Divine Light enters it then your thoughts will become pure. Whatever you are thinking of saying will come from the Subtlety of Ana. - The ability to speak comes from another spirit called the Subtlety of Akhfah and it rests in the middle of the chest. When you speak, the thought first travels to the heart - which acts as a middle point and from the heart it goes to the Subtlety of Akhfah and then it is delivered through the ton